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Naache Commons

Dreamers and the Spirit of Naachine

Naache Commons represents a legacy development for Doig River First Nation as the first Urban Reserve called Gat Tah KwÄ…Ì‚ in Northeastern BC in the City of Fort St. John adjacent to Parkwood Southlands.


As a future neighbourhood centre, envisioned land use activities will result in a seamless transition between adjacent neighbourhoods that includes Parkwood Southlands, exemplify high quality development, feature Dane-zaa cultural elements and include environmentally sustainable features where appropriate.


Naache Commons represents the Nation's return to their ancestral Fort St. John Beaver Band lands and a path forward towards financial self-sufficiency and prosperity.


Naache Commons master planned mixed-use development includes gas station, car wash, restaurant, office space, commercial uses, multi-family residential and green space.


8-Acres Urban Reserve

Retail/Commercial Space 61,000 sq ft

Shell Banner 5-Pump Gas Station

Car Wash

Kekuli Café

Multi-Family Residential (4-6 storeys)

6,000 Status Card users in the area


Naache Commons legacy encourages economic prosperity, entrepreneurial spirit and a shared vision for the future.


To learn more visit Dream at Naache Commons



Empowering Business Owners

Experience Comfort, Uncover Connection

New, vibrant development vision will engage and activate borderline and adjacent neighbourhoods in dire need of convenient access to amenities as they represent largely under-serviced areas.


Easeful Accessibility

The West Bypass Road (116th Street), Parkwood Drive and Future Arterial Road/Highway 97 Intersection will support economic diversification and growth, enabling a seamless drive-ability to Naache Commons and Parkwood Southlands. These major arteries allow for unprecedented accessibility to thousands of households that live within a 20 minute radius.


Speed to Market

Because of its location at Gat Tah KwÄ…Ì‚  has a simple, accelerated, and business friendly permitting process. This makes way for timely and cost effective planning and operations, welcoming any business format from startups to established organizations.


Manageable Property Taxation

Property taxes for Gat Tah KwÄ…Ì‚  are more consistent given the nature of Doig River First Nation legislation and are therefore more predictable. This creates a competitive advantage for businesses and organizations reliant on flexibility and a birds-eye view for future planning.



Public services for police and fire department are provided by the City.


Supportive Guidance

Doig River First Nation citizens are supported as they navigate lease requirements to open their own business.


Visit leasing at Naache Commons




Demographic Stats

Naache Commons &
Parkwood Southlands

Total Under-served Population

4,500+ within 5-15 min


Population Projection

Naache Commons: 180-200 Residents

Parkwood Southlands: 10,200 Residents


Traffic Volumes 2018

20,300 Annual Average Daily Traffic Hwy 97

2,750 West Bypass Road


Projected Traffic Volumes

33,050 AADT Hwy 97

20,690 AADT Road A

6,520 West Bypass Road (116th Street)


Highest Household Income in BC and 5th in Canada

Average Household Income $138,185

Average Median Age 32.4

Population 22,538

Primary Trade Area 75,000 includes FSJ

Secondary Trade Area North 4,500

7% population increase 2023 over 5-year period

6,000 Status Card users in the area





Phase 1

Something sensational is coming!

Phase 1 Spring 2024


Gas Station, C-Store, QSR, Office, Car Wash

17,000 sq ft


An exciting shift for Northwest Fort St. John, which has been under-served in retail, office, food/grocery offerings and more.


With ongoing availability of Gat Tah KwÄ…Ì‚  employment opportunities, this is the beginning of something sensational!


Naache Commons welcomes businesses and residents to adapt and thrive, signifying a major step towards the vision held for decades.


To learn more:



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